Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Kidz 4 Money's Critical-Wealth Thinking Blog

Critical Thinking is the disciplined process of actively conceptualizing, analyzing, and applying information as a guide to action.

Wealth is from the old English word "weal", which means "well-being" or "welfare". The term was originally an adjective to describe the possession of such qualities. The timeless answer to,ewhat is wealth? Is freedom,yet it is the last thing we invest. Wellbeing affords us freedoms.

Uniqueness is the belief that we are all born with perfect paths to follow, stemming from unique motivations and abilities. These perfect paths are to fulfill a purposeful and rewarding life. Our Uniqueness is our natural identity before and underneath any and all influence. The Uniqueness naturally pursues fulfillment as in happiness, success, and wellbeing.

Critical-Wealth Thinking is the discipline of analyzing information for the fulfillment of wealth through one’s Uniqueness. It is the production of wealth building decisions and behavior.